He is the God who is near. And his nearness is our good (Ps. 73:28). When our heart is broken and our “sorrow is beyond healing” (Jer. 8:18), He is near. When we are in adversity or confusion, He is near. When we experience deep joy and satisfaction, He is near. When we struggle to know the way, He is near. Indeed, His nearness is our good and He is near whether we sense and feel Him in that moment. And it is His invitation for us to draw closer.
If we will believe this, we can rest and maintain peace. Regardless of how we feel, we can welcome His living presence. He is with us and within us and will not, cannot, forsake or abandon us. Never are we alone, never forgotten or rejected. He is the well of living water in our soul, constantly ours. We can establish our faith in this: His presence alive within us.
As we turn to him again and again, setting our face toward him, in each fresh circumstance, we can practice this reality: His living presence. His lovingkindness will meet us (Ps. 59:10) at each turn. Our confidence is this: He will cause everything in our lives to unite and begin to work for our benefit as we love Him and follow His call (Rom. 8:28). He is for us and he is near. Nothing can separate us from His love, nothing. Who knows what he will do with and for the one yielded to him, drawing close, trusting his nearness? His nearness is our good!